Tuesday 18 May 2010

Collaboration with DSpace@Cambridge

This is a quick hello from the CARET-based developers on the project, Raymond and Bert!

So far in our portfolio of widgets we have Huw's "Library widget", we have CamLib, a mobile version of that widget currently in beta release - and a prototype version of an Exam Papers widget written by Harriet, a previous Arcadia fellow.

As Huw explained in an earlier post, there are two main types of widget - those that retrieve data, and those that alter data. All of our widgets so far are primarily about the retrieval of information - the next new widget will be one focussed on alteration: a DSpace Upload Widget. This will make it easier for users to contribute content to our institutional repository: DSpace@Cambridge.

To facilitate this, we'll be collaborating with the DSpace@Cambridge team, who are based at the UL. Bert and I met with the DSpace team last week to kick this off.

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